The Stoic Logo – Page 3 – The Three Stoics

The Stoic Logo

The brain and muscles must develop simultaneously.

Iron nerves with an intelligent brain - and the whole world is at your feet.
-Swami Vivekananda-


You are naked against the world. Two things are within your control - the education of your mind and the strengthening of your body. All else is relegated to fate.

But these two - mind and body - are yours to improve. Neglect either and you will suffer disadvantages. Care for both and you have so much the advantage.

Neglect the education of your mind and you will fail to reach your full potential, restrained by false beliefs and ignorant to truth you will be but a shadow of your true, educated, potential self.

Care for the mind and you gain insight upon insight until things that previously seemed left to chance, because of ignorance, are now subject to your mastery because of your understanding.

Like an ancient Mariner, learned in reading the stars, the waves and the weather, you will travel confidently towards your destination, while others will struggle in vain, confused and overwhelmed because their own ignorance hides from them the path to success.

Decide what you need to know - and learn it. You are now more capable and more opportunities are open to you.

Neglect to care and strengthen your body and you will be shackled by your own ill health, unable and too unwell to take advantage of opportunities that require your energy, stamina and strength.

Care for the body and find the world changed. Each morning is brighter, your sleep more sound. Your confidence, attitude and sense of self-empowerment increase. Your strength lets you reach heights unattainable to others whose bodies were unequal to the demands of the day.

This idea is at the heart of stoicism - focus on the things you can control and give no unnecessary attention to the things you can't.

This idea is a foundational principle for peace of mind and a feeling of empowerment in your individual life.

This idea is represented in the stoic who strives to civilize his mind and make savage his body. This man has Stoic Strength.



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